horizontal enlarger

10x10“ (12x12) horizontal modular enlarging system.
Four basic chassis and eight light
heads fit together if requested


The Kienzle T25HV horizontal is a modular, universal
mural enlarging system that excepts negatives from 35mm
to 10x10“ (12x15“) and uses an extremly ridged means of construction, giving the operator a firm base and ensuring
conformity to our vertical range of enlargers.
Three basic types (manual/motor/pcc) and eight light heads
fit together if requested. All horizontals combine the latest electronic technology with the accuracy,high standard of engineering and robustness associated with all Kienzle

Technical Specifications:
( freestanding; others upon request)
negativ size:
24x36 bis 10x10“ (12x12“)
light source: 750 - 1500VA
lighting: diffuse-coldlighting for color and multigarde (vc); condensor
cooling system: fan 230V
filter: color+vc ( multigrade), black+white
dichroic interference filter yellow, magenta and cyan; condensor: Filterdrawer (extra) grade: variable 0 to 5
whitelight setting: grade 5,5 + „on“
density control: 3 - steps
enlargement factors:
50mm : appr. 6    - 32  ( 6  -  35)
80mm : appr. 3    - 19  ( 3  -  21)
105mm : appr   1,5 - 14  ( 3  -  17)
150mm : appr.  0,5 -   9   ( 0,5 - 11)
240mm : appr.  0,5 -   5   ( 0,5 - 6,5)
300mm : appr.  0,6 - 3,5 ( 0,6 - 4,0)
distance max. negativ/positive:u.r.
height max: appr. 1650 mm
width max: appr.   720 mm
depth max: appr. 1170 mm
rails: 2m,3m, 4m, 6m
optical axis:1250mm (others u.r.)      
transformer: way in :230/115V ; way out :48/96/144V; 750/1000/1500VA  
remote conrol: 10A,24V
weight:  ca. 110 kg
               (without rails)

Accessories and Spare parts upon request


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